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The Importance of Negative Keywords in B2B Paid Search Ads

When creating a B2B paid search ad, you need to include negative keywords.

These are keywords that prevent your ad from showing up.

With negative keywords, you can exclude unqualified clickers.

B2B searches focus on finding qualified and legitimate leads.

Unqualified leads waste time that could be spent on genuine leads.

You want to reach businesses that are serious about engaging your services.

By including negative keywords, you can prevent inauthentic leads from finding your ad.

You can hone in on legitimate leads that want to become customers.

When we help our clients create ads, we always include negative keywords. 

We start our clients off with ten to twenty negative keywords. 

These are usually keywords that we think of at the moment.

Each week, we look at the previous week’s search terms.

Based on the least useful terms, we add 1 to 10 more negative keywords.

Early accounts can have fewer than a hundred negative keywords, while more mature accounts might have thousands.

Each additional negative keyword helps our customers find their audience.

The clicks that come through their ads are more likely to be qualified leads that result in customers.

---> How do you prevent unqualified clickers?

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