A specialized, direct response B2B ads agency

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B2B Paid Search Ads and Facebook’s New Ad Rules

Over the summer, Facebook removed text restrictions on ads.

Before, only twenty percent of the ad could be taken up by text.

Now, there is no limit.

This change has significantly helped B2B advertisers.

In B2B ads, the focus is on the visual headline and text.

Generally, the text makes up sixty to seventy percent of an ad’s performance.

Many of our ads before were blocked because of the twenty-percent restriction.

Our ads are performing better than ever now.

The majority of our highest-performing ads are more than twenty percent text.

B2B ads have to be instantly readable.

The focus is on clear, concise messages, best communicated through easy-to-read text.

One of our most successful ad formats is the checklist ad.

It begins with a big question or statement at the top.

Below are short bullet points.

Through checklist ads, we can clearly communicate exact points to our audience.

Facebook’s new ad rules have had a positive impact on B2B advertisers.

We can provide the type of ad our audience prefers.

---> What is your most effective method of advertising on Facebook?

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