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How Paid Search Helps Build Customer Intent

Some B2B companies just want to be on social media. 

They don't believe paid search is worth it.

Here's what I'd say...

Sometimes intent or interest for your product already exists. 

But sometimes, you need to invent that space. 

Before the first electric car was invented, who was searching for electric cars? 

Most of the time, you can brainstorm and find intent. 

Paid search can help.

Here are 3 categories that work best for B2B search and intent. 

1: Industry jargon. 

This is what we call terms of art: terms that only those in your industry will use. 

Any search term containing them is a way for you to get in front of customers. 

#2: Technical use cases. 

Tools like Zapier are great at this: 

Covering keywords of people using another tech product that yours could connect to. 

Like QuickBooks integration to do super accounting. 

These technical integrations help drive qualified demand in search. 

#3: Competitor bidding. 

You have competitors in your space selling to the same customers you want. 

Bid on the names of those competitors and serve your ads instead. 

It works for almost everybody. 

Maybe not if you’re the 800 pound gorilla in your area, but if you're an aspiring startup...

You can get a lot of mileage out of bidding on that gorilla.

--->Do you think paid search is useful or not?

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