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How Paid Search Can Help Your Overall SEO

SEO can be tricky and time-consuming. 

But search ranking is extremely important. 

How can paid search help your overall SEO strategy?

There's actually nothing in the Google algorithm that says: 

If you pay for search terms, it'll actually help your other terms and pages rank. 

There’s no magic algorithm touch. That isn’t why paid search helps. 

What search does help with is proving which terms are worth building content around. 

A search campaign can get you results about this instantly. 

SEO takes forever, right?

You have to write articles, wait for them to rank, put time into link building...

But, if you do paid search it makes the process faster and more accurate. 

You can see if these three terms are worth a hundred thousand dollars a month. 

So, let's work really hard to get these specific terms to rank in SEO. 

You know where to get the bang for your buck and can feed that into content creation.

Bonus tip: it's important to use good, solid conversion events. 

With a valid B2B customer signal, you won't be misled by your paid search. 

You'll know what's actually converting and what keywords are worthwhile.

--->What are your tips for turning out solid SEO content?

Click here to watch the video.

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