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Using Keywords and Ad Titles to Find Qualified Searchers

Qualifying searchers involves a few different factors.

Your Search Engine Marketing and ad title need to work together.

Why are both these components important?

The biggest way to qualify searchers is keywords.

You can do this in a number of ways:

I talked in a recent post about terms of art.

That is, keywords unique to your target market, not to all random searchers.

You can also use competitor bidding or technical use cases.

The second bigger way to qualify searchers is through the ad copy itself.

Maybe you're forced to use a keyword that both non-qualified and qualified people search for.

In that case, your ad copy needs to be specific about who should be clicking.

For example, say you need businesses with over 100k in revenue to qualify.

Your ad copy should specifically call that qualification out:

"If you have over 100k revenue, get the best deal for your company..."

The ad title can make up for any blips in your SEM strategy.

So, when it comes to ad copy, it’s not just a memorable visual headline.

It’s also an ad title that’s carefully researched and targeted at the right leads.

---> What’s your go-to strategy for getting the right searchers’ attention?

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