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How COVID-19 Affected Advertising

COVID-19 significantly disrupted every industry.

However, the effect it had on advertising was short-lived.

In the beginning, ads were a balm for customers’ uncertainty.

People were looking for comfort and consolation during a difficult time.

Many companies offered free trials and special promotions to show support for their customers.

We also saw success in COVID-19 related content.

Pieces like ‘How Your Industry Can Survive COVID-19’ were popular.

Now, people have adapted to the stress of the pandemic.

They have become used to the presence of COVID-19.

Audiences are not looking for balms or support anymore.

People want a return to normalcy.

The things that worked for advertisers before the pandemic are working again.

COVID-specific content is no more effective than any other type of content.

COVID-19’s impact on advertising is over.

Going forward, we will not see a significant change in advertising from COVID-19.

If we find ourselves in another unprecedented situation, we can expect similar results.

At first, we will focus on support.

After a while, we will return to prior methods.

---> What methods of advertising worked best for you during the height of COVID-19?

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