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How data can be powerful when included in ads

Data can be powerful. 

But only if it’s done correctly.

Here’s why:

At Right Percent, we’re always asked, “Should I include data in our ads?”

The answer is…


I’ve seen some ads that include data be very successful.

Other ads, the data doesn’t hit its mark.

Because data or not, your text is most important. 

You need a captivating visual headline.

If you can show your data in a simple manner, with a catching visual headline, it can help your ad.

Credible and concrete data is a powerful tool in catching leads.

Still, graphs don’t tell you anything by themselves.

You have to focus on the visual headline and the text surrounding the data.

One good example was Opt-in Monster. 

They had a graph with data, and it immediately said that Opt-in Monster could help grow your business.

Their claim, that it could help grow your business, was backed up by the concrete data they showed in their graph.

If you’re able to show the data along with the claim you’re making in the ad, do it.

But if it comes between a catching visual headline of a good size or a graph…

Skip the graph.

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