A specialized, direct response B2B ads agency

About Us

What is Right Percent?

Right Percent is a specialized, direct response B2B ads agency. We help B2B companies acquire more customers at scale within CAC constraints, and have scaled B2B ad campaigns for Ramp, DoorDash, Rippling, Masterclass, Houzz, Zenefits, Superhuman, Wealthfront and much more.

Our name comes from two things. One is that we’re a venture project of Right Side Up, the world-class Silicon Valley consultancy. Two is that our job is to find and acquire the right percent of the global advertising audience that is your target customer.

The B2B Ads Skill Problem

Have you ever interviewed to fill a role for a B2B advertising specialist? In 100 interviews with people with B2B marketing experience on their resume, you’ll probably get 3 that have spent $100k monthly on B2B ads before.

There are many agencies that specialize in digital advertising, but few have strong B2B experience. B2B ad accounts at scale (>$100k monthly spend) are so much rarer than scaled B2C ad accounts that unless you purposefully ignore B2C leads, they’ll be a small minority of what your team works on.

Many B2B and SaaS-focused agencies exist, but few specialize in advertising. Instead, they focus on content, SEO, email nurture, etc. 

This is because, compared to B2C where advertising can be the primary driver of new business, traditional B2B businesses have advertising as a relatively small component of the full marketing mix. Agencies can generate a lot more revenue by working on (and billing for) all the pieces of the demand gen puzzle. 

B2SMB businesses, where advertising can be a larger driver of performance, are uncommon enough that most SaaS agencies don’t have experience with them either.

For all these reasons, it’s really hard to find an agency that’s truly excellent at scaling B2B paid ads.

How does Right Percent solve the B2B ads skill problem?

  1. We relentlessly specialize.

We say no to anything that’s not scaling B2B ad accounts. 

We do have a broad definition of B2B. It includes things like acquiring plumbing contractors for marketplaces, getting employees at global companies to sign up for new benefits packages, selling photography courses, etc, on top of the bread and butter of traditional enterprise B2B.

What are the common company factors that make the RP B2B playbook work?

  • You have a specific target customer—not everyone can buy your product.

  • Customers buy your product to grow a company, make more money, or do their jobs better—not for pleasure or necessity.

Our focus means we can get really good at this one thing instead of doing an okay job on 5 things. Our team is not the end-to-end solution for everything marketing related to your business - just the advertising component.

Specifically, here’s what our team does not handle for you:

  • We’re not a branding agency - our creative methodology is direct response ads using your brand guidelines.

  • We can’t build your attribution and martech stack for you - we guide your tech team with best practices.

  • We can’t build landing pages for you - we guide and advise on which assets to use and build.

Further, we only work with companies that have already achieved product-market fit, have 200+ existing customers, and either spend or are planning to spend $30,000 per month in an ad channel. 

This is because our specialization is scaling ad accounts with an acceptable CAC threshold. Before a company achieves product-market fit and is relatively confident in its attribution and funnel, it doesn’t make sense to be laser-focused on scaling advertising effectively like our team comes in to do. 

Note: If you do need any of the above (content, tech stack help, etc, we’ll refer you to Right Side Up for an expert at an hourly price. More on that below).

2. We use only experienced ad talent.

One common complaint about working with ad agencies is about talent. On the pitch call, you speak with really smart folks, but when you start the contract, a junior straight out of college is placed as your account rep.

The average seniority of Right Percent ad account managers is 9 years of ad experience. Here’s how it works:

Right Percent is a Right Side Up (RSU) venture. We operate as an independent agency inside of RSU.

RSU is a collective of growth marketing specialists who have helped 300+ venture-backed tech companies hit their goals.

They cover virtually all paid channels, including SEO, CRO, email marketing, content, and analytics. Unlike an agency, they charge hourly for their time, require no long-term contracts, and will help bring functions in-house if desired. They typically deploy in teams of 1 to 5 marketers, from 5 hours/week to 30 hours/week.

What makes RSU different?

  • A+ talent - As mentioned above, you get access to experienced marketing professionals directly.

  • Client-centric staffing - Get connected to the best fit for your project, not just who’s on hand.

  • Transparency - Know who’s going to be managing your ad account. See your LinkedIn, set up interviews, etc.

Here’s how Right Percent works within RSU:

  1. Right Percent is a full-service B2B paid media agency existing within Right Side Up.

  2. We handpick top-quality RSU marketers, constantly interviewing people with experience running B2B and B2B adjacent ads at scale. We onboard them to our overall B2B team, and train them in our B2B best practices.

  3. We focus only on scaling B2B tech companies, giving us an unparalleled knowledge of what gets B2B results.

Working within RSU, we’re able to provide B2B talent at scale that’s hard to find elsewhere.

3. We know the support team that B2B ad accounts need, and provide it.

Every account comes with a creative director, copywriter, data analyst, and tag expert that specialize only in B2B ads. 

We have the methodology down pat to make ads that convert B2B decision-makers, and the know-how to analyze the data back to front

We know what stakeholders have to be brought in to minimize friction. 

In other words, we have what we need to start generating ad account performance for clients.

How do we work with your team?

We work independently under a marketing lead on your team, or in tandem with your in-house team. 

Our main focus is on the top three B2B ad channels: Search, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Our basic team structure is:

  • One senior paid media specialist per channel, sourced from Right Side Up.

  • One B2B strategist team lead, from RP leadership.

  • B2B support in design, copy, attribution & more.

Our team handles:

We work quickly and expect new campaigns and ads to be live within two weeks of kick-off, assuming we get stakeholder approvals at a reasonable pace. 

We set up a weekly call with a running agenda doc, where we discuss results, strategy, and execution with your team. We also set up a colab Slack channel for convenience.

There are multiple calls we set up with client stakeholders on top of the kick-off and weeklies:

How do we price our services?

For one ad channel, we charge the monthly minimum fee or percent of ad spend, whichever is higher.

For multiple channels, we just add $4000 each to the monthly minimum fee, and the percentage of ad spend is unchanged. 

Our standard contracts have a 7-day out clause and are month to month - by default we have no agency lock-ins.

This pricing includes everything mentioned above.

In conclusion, why use Right Percent?

  • We relentlessly focus on B2B ads.

  • We use experienced talent that you can feel free to vet.

  • We have the B2B focused support staff that ad accounts need.

Overall, companies choose Right Percent because we’re good at generating revenue for B2B companies at scale within CAC constraints.

If you’re currently spending $30k or more on B2B paid ads, reach out to us via the form on the homepage for a free audit of your ad spend and see how Right Percent can improve performance.