A specialized, direct response B2B ads agency

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When does Right Percent not work for a B2B company?

Sometimes Facebook or Google works for a B2B client and sometimes it doesn't.

But what's the difference between when it works and when it doesn't?

How could we codify that difference?

That's how we landed on what makes someone a good Right Percent Client:

1) They already have product-market fit, since it’s hard to build from scratch with ads.

2) They have a target market size larger than 200,000 people.

We have this ideal client profile codified now, but it took a lot of time.

We had to learn from our processes as we tried to make those kinds of clients work.

We've now been including those guidelines in our pitch for the past year or so.

That's the biggest advice I'd give to my former self:

Know what kind of clients would benefit the most from working with you.

---> What was the biggest challenge in growing your business?

Click here to watch the video.

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