A specialized, direct response B2B ads agency

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My top tips for mobile friendly Facebook video ads

Slide deck here in PDF format.

If your video ad isn’t mobile friendly, it’s a failure.

Here’s why:

When was the last time you watched an ad on Facebook?

Chances are, you watched it without the sound.

That’s the number one mistake people make.

80-90% of people are watching videos with no sound.

If you want to create a mobile-friendly Facebook video ad...

You need to capture their attention quickly and efficiently.

But it’s not sound that’s going to do that.

You have anywhere from 1 to 3 seconds to make an impression.

If you don’t, they keep scrolling.

And without sound, how will you be sure your B2B ads are landing?

A big visual headline, superimposed right at the start.

Start it off with something like, “Are you a business owner?”

You need them to stop and connect with the ad in those first 3 seconds.

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