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How to Use Terms of Art in B2B Paid Search

What are terms of art?

I don’t mean terms like “Renaissance” or “watercolor.” 

Here’s what you need to know about this key B2B tool.

The trick to B2B paid search is: 

How do you pick keywords that signal the clicker’s quality?

Lots of people will click on your B2B search terms, but they’re not all qualified for your product. 

Either they're not businesses or their businesses are too small. 

One main way to get around this is what we call "terms of art." 

These are keywords people in your target market use to describe things in real life. 

But they’re keywords non-qualified leads wouldn't use. 

Words consumer people or smaller businesses wouldn't use. 

For example, say you're targeting enterprise companies. 

Your product is a tool that lets them collect lead information online, like a form.

Your normal, go-to keywords are "form creation tool" or "website form creation." 

But, those will catch a million people who want to create forms but aren't from big companies. 

Try using the term "first-party data collection" instead. 

That's a fancy marketing term that only people from big corporations tend to use.

It's usually found in legal language that these corporations are very sensitive to.

They're the only ones who will be searching for that kind of term. 

---> What are some “terms of art” unique to your industry?

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